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Demographic Dangers & Declining Birth Rates, Part Six: Democracy, Identity Politics & A Socio-Cultural Conundrum.
The value of truth & facts are being diminished by subjective value judgements based not on data, but on opinion, and this is weakening liberal democracies everywhere. Combined with demographic crises, disruptive narratives are being used to peddle false freedoms that serve only to undermine the very thing they say they are protecting.
“In a sense, (demography) is life — its beginning and its ending. Population must be understood alongside other causal factors such as technological innovation, economic progress and changing beliefs and ideologies, but population does explain a great deal.”
Paul Morland, The Human Tide (1).
Demography is life…
Everywhere the same trend is followed; there are no exceptions, the only only difference is the time-frame.
In the broadest sense; decreased infant mortality, improved life expectancy and urbanisation— the first demographic transition (FDT) — leads to generational improvements in…