Thanks for your response.
Well, my! You are a ripe one at that! Anyone who disagrees with you, or your high-falutin opinions is dismissed as wrong, or a useful idiot. Firstly, disagreeing with you does not make me wrong; but it does make you wholly arrogant.
In your profile you call yourself rather grandly a 'libertarian' without the least notion of what that means. Libertarians respect human equality, political freedom, civil rights and freedom of choice, all of which Israel has denied the Palestinian people. Of course, you, with your colonial mindset and superior attitude will not see that because you have no empathy or understanding for the history of a people who have been dispossessed, evicted, slaughtered, denied any human rights, including one that is most precious to true libertarians; the right to self determination. For you believe, I'm sure, that history began on October 7 2023, and anything that came before is just hot potato pie, already digested and of no consequence to what sits on the table in front of you on that particular day. You lack the vision, the imagination, the raw ability to empathise, the basic humanity to acknowledge the wrong doings that are there, right beneath the table, should ever dare to look and open your mind.
Not as an apologist for Hamas, as I'm sure you think I am with your narrow gauge thought processes and blinkered know-it-all opinions, but as one who believes that all people deserve full recognition of their human rights, even if they should be so uppity as to go against out-dated Western colonialist ideals, and seek to live their lives as they see fit outside of the repressive imperialistic embrace of people like yourself, that they should be allowed to do so. That does not make them wrong or idiots. It makes them free. Whereas, the only freedoms your faux-libertarian ideals would deign to give are those that exist within the narrow confines of the rules you arrogantly think you can apply to everyone.
One wonders how you might feel in their shoes; if I were to take away your house, your land, the land of your fathers, your livelihood, your money, your families land, the lives and land of all your friends and neighbours, and turn you and yours into stateless, forgotten, worthless refugees and then deny you adequate food, water, power, political and civil freedoms not for one week, or one year, or one decade, but for three generations...would you just fold up and say, well, they're part of the Western establishment I love so much so that's all fine and dandy, or do you think you might be slightly miffed? Or worse, violently so?
Your agreement or your approval, or indeed, your disapproval are not required here, simply because of your wholesale arrogance and the blatant rudeness of your reply. You are every bit as closed, cold, and callous as the colonial system you pretend to represent, and yet you do so so poorly because you have no respect for anything or anyone other than your own self-worth and your rather poorly thought through opinions.
Goodbye! I shall not respond to you again! Have a nice life!